Tiffany Connell




Tiffany Connell is an American composer currently based in Chicago, IL. “…I always knew I wanted to compose for media because of how much I crave collaboration. Working with more than one brain is far more appealing than just the one I use everyday.”

Composing for media has been an addition to her role as composer as of 2021. As much as she loved the concert hall, she found the audio/visual amalgamation to be the ultimate emotive. “I wanted to bring out the gut-wrenching sadness and the screaming siren eyes…to invite the viewer to feel deeper every fatal flaw and nuance of their being. It is invisible storytelling…music that listens.” 

Her music is often described as hybrid and genre-bending; gravitating towards pushing the limits of tradition and composing without borders. From the release of her solo piano EP Impromptus to her debut as director on the short film H_UMAN, Connell continues to stretch herself as an artist and explore what new branches will grow from her roots.
